Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly popular among businesses and individuals alike.
It offers a secure and decentralized way to store and transfer data, making it an attractive option for a wide range of applications. One of the most popular programming languages for building blockchains is Python. In this article, we will explore how to write a blockchain in Python, step by step.
Understanding the Basics of Blockchain Technology
Before diving into the technical details of writing a blockchain in Python, it’s important to understand the basics of blockchain technology. A blockchain is a distributed database that stores data across multiple computers on a network. Each block in the chain contains a list of transactions, and once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered or deleted.
Blockchain technology offers several benefits, including:
- Security: The decentralized nature of the blockchain makes it very difficult for hackers to compromise the network.
- Transparency: All transactions on the blockchain are recorded in a public ledger that can be viewed by anyone.
- Immutability: Once data is added to the blockchain, it cannot be changed or deleted.
Understanding Python and its Libraries for Blockchain Development
Python is a popular programming language that has a number of libraries specifically designed for blockchain development. Some of the most popular include:
- PyCrypto: A library that provides cryptographic primitives for secure data transmission.
- Truffle: A suite of tools for Ethereum development, including a local blockchain and testnet.
- PyBlockchain: A simple implementation of a blockchain in Python.
In this article, we will be using PyCrypto to build a basic blockchain in Python.
Building the Blockchain
Now that we have an understanding of the basics of blockchain technology and Python, let’s dive into building our own blockchain.
Step 1: Importing the Libraries
We will start by importing the necessary libraries from PyCrypto. These include:
- Crypto.Random
- Crypto.Cipher
- Crypto.Protocol.KDF
Step 2: Creating a Key Pair
The next step is to create a key pair that will be used to sign and verify transactions on the blockchain. We will use PyCrypto’s KDF (Key Derivation Function) to generate a secure random key.
from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2
import osGenerate a secure random key
key = os.urandom(16)
Use the key to create a public/private key pair
public_key = key[:16]
private_key = key[16:]
Step 3: Creating a Blockchain
Now that we have our key pair, we can start building the blockchain. We will begin by creating the genesis block, which contains a list of transactions and a reference to the previous block in the chain.
Create the genesis block
genesis_block = {
"index": 0,
"timestamp": int(time.time()),
"transactions": [],
"previous_hash": "0",
"hash": hash(json.dumps(genesis_block))
Once we have the genesis block, we can start creating new blocks and adding them to the chain. To do this, we will use PyCrypto’s SHA-256 hashing function to calculate the hash of each block based on its data.
Create a new block
new_block = {
"index": 1,
"timestamp": int(time.time()),
"transactions": [
{"sender": "Alice", "receiver": "Bob", "amount": 10}
"previous_hash": genesis_block["hash"],
"hash": hash(json.dumps(new_block))
Add the new block to the chain
chain = [genesis_block] + [new_block]
Step 4: Verifying Transactions
Now that we have created a few blocks, let’s verify that transactions are being processed correctly. To do this, we will use PyCrypto’s SHA-256 hashing function to calculate the hash of each transaction and compare it to the hash stored in the blockchain.
Verify a transaction
transaction = {
"sender": "Alice",
"receiver": "Bob",
"amount": 10
transaction_hash = hash(json.dumps(transaction))
for i in range(len(chain)):
current_block = chain[i]
if current_block["transactions"]:
for transaction in current_block["transactions"]:
if transaction["sender"] == transaction_hash:
assert transaction["hash"] == current_block["hash"], f"Transaction hash {transaction_hash} not found in block {i}"
Step 5: Running the Blockchain
Now that we have built and verified our blockchain, let’s run it on a local network. We will use Truffle to create a testnet and deploy our blockchain to it.
To do this, first install Truffle using pip:
pip install truffle
Then, create a new Truffle project and navigate to the truffle-config.js
file. Add the following code to configure Truffle to use our blockchain:
module.exports = {
networks: {
testnet: {
provider: () > {
return new HDWalletProvider(, "");
host: "",
port: 8545,
Finally, run truffle migrate
to deploy our blockchain to the testnet. Once deployed, you can use web3.js or another library to interact with your blockchain and perform transactions.
Step 6: Summary
In this article, we have explored how to write a basic blockchain in Python using PyCrypto. We have covered the basics of blockchain technology and Python, as well as step-by-step instructions for building and verifying our own blockchain. With this knowledge, you can now begin exploring the many applications of blockchain technology and building your own blockchain projects.
Q: What is a blockchain?
A: A distributed database that stores data across multiple computers on a network.
Q: What is Python?
A: A popular programming language used for scientific computing, web development, and artificial intelligence.